Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for December 13, 2015
“It Happened Like This” Matthew 1:18-25 Bible Study 12/13/15
Along with Luke 2:8-20, our text this morning may be one of the most familiar passages related to the birth of Jesus Christ. Rather than allowing ourselves to be “dulled” by the familiarity of this story, we should ponder the amazing narrative and be “staggered” by it. The story of incarnation-God taking on human flesh should evoke worshipful awe. Of the incarnation, J. I. Packer has observed: “Nothing in fiction is so fantastic as this truth of incarnation-the Word becoming flesh.” Because the biblical testimony is true, embrace the truth of “Immanuel” and its life-transforming implications.
I. Consider three amazing aspects of the incarnation
-supernatural conception (18)
* commentary from John 1
* context of Matthew 1
* conception connected to the Holy Spirit
-angelic intervention (19-21)
* description of Joseph
* dispelling of fear
* declaration of deliverance
-prophetic confirmation (22-23)
* Isaiah 7
* Immanuel: “God with us”
II. Observe one amazing response of obedience (24-25)
-acting on received revelation
-“ …knew her not…”
-“ …called his name Jesus.”
III. So what?
-“We will never face life alone now that God has made Himself known, Father and Friend with us to the end, Immanuel.” (S. C. Chapman)
-The body fashioned in the womb was the same body raised from the tomb!
-“And how shall I describe this Birth to you? For this wonder fills me with astonishment. The Ancient of days has become an infant.” (Chrysostom)
-“The NT knows nothing of an incarnation which can be defined apart from its relation to atonement.” (James Denney)