Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for December 6, 2015

“Operation Preparation” Matthew 3:1-12 Bible Study 12/06/15

This morning we turn our focus to Matthew’s gospel and his account of the preparatory role of John the Baptist as it relates to the ministry of Jesus. Our passage today contains both prophetic fulfillment and profound declaration. Because Jesus is the True King, recognize His authority and resolve to trust Him alone.

I. Preparation begins with repentance (1-6)

-“In those days…” –following a period of prophetic silence
-connecting Matthew 2 and Matthew 3
-John the Baptist: birth, role (Isa. 40:3), appearance
-“comes” preaching: “heralding”
-repent: total alteration
-Kingdom of Heaven
-John’s baptism and “confessing their sins”

II. Preparation demands awareness of reality (7-10)

-Pharisees: self-righteous ritualists
-Sadducees: skeptical “modern thought” aristocrats
-John’s address: “spawn of snakes”
-Two commands: bear fruit and don’t presume

III. Preparation involves anticipation (11-12)

-of the supremacy of Jesus
-of the power of Jesus- Holy Spirit and fire
– of the authority of Jesus- “He rules the world…”

IV. For Further Thought
-Advent from the Latin “adventus”- “coming. It can lengthen the joy of Christmas. Don’t let Christmas find you “unprepared.”
-“Christmas is an indictment before it becomes a delight. We need a Savior.” (Piper)
-“Let every heart prepare Him room…He comes to make His blessings flow far as the curse is found…” (Watts)


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