Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for May 31, 2015

“Mercy and the Messenger of the Covenant” Malachi 2:17-3:6, 4:1-2 05/31/15

I. Introduction

-between the issues of marital and material unfaithfulness
-three identities in this text: Lord of Hosts, John the Baptist and Jesus Christ

II. Recognize the rationale for a refiner’s fire

-we need to be refined
-there are no alloys in heaven
-our God is a covenant-keeper
-delay does not mean denial

III. Acknowledge the refining and consuming qualities of His fire

-some will be consumed
-trust the purifying mercy of God
-fear to dishonor Him with unbelief

IV. Cling to the promise fulfilled in Jesus

-light for a dark world
-health for a diseased world

V. So what?

-Because the Lord does not change, anchor your hope in the refining fire of His mercy
-Avoid the sinful tendency to put God “in the dock”
-The only route of righteousness is the road that leads to the cross


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