Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for April 12, 2015

“A Fresh Start for a Slow Heart” Luke 24:25-27 Bible Study 04/12/15

The closing verses of Luke 23 describe the burial of the body of Jesus in a tomb. However, with the little adversative, “but”, Luke 24 commences with the unfolding drama of the empty tomb and the resurrection of our Lord. In Luke 24:13-35 readers are presented with the riveting narrative of two travelers on the road to Emmaus who have a life-changing, hope-infusing encounter with the risen Lord. On the first Easter we find Jesus transforming human hearts by infusing them with living hope. He continues to do so today. Let the compelling testimony of Jesus concerning Himself be the catalyst for your own focused hope and flaming zeal.

I. Jesus makes an accurate assessment

-foolish: not wicked but weak
-sluggish: slow of heart to believe
-careless: emphasis on “all”

II. Jesus offers a corrective assertion

-moral necessity
-connect the occupied cross and the empty tomb
-how Jesus is deprived of honor
-“We are the disciples of Him who died for His enemies.” -C. Bridges

III. Jesus delivers an incomparable exposition

-what Jesus did not say
-a sermon about Himself
-Scriptures: objective and God-centered

IV. Jesus provides an energizing assurance

-when slow hearts burn
-His glory…resurrection…our hope
-not what makes you feel good but what makes you live and die well

Let the compelling testimony of Jesus concerning Himself be the catalyst for your own focused hope and flaming zeal.

1. Meditate on the objective foundation of the Scriptures-all of them!

2. Fuel the fire of zeal with fellowship with Jesus in His Word.

3. Set your hope on Him who cannot fail to keep His promises.


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