Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for March 15, 2015

“From Sobering Start to Spectacular Finish” Zephaniah 2:4-3:20 Bible Study 03/15/15

In the first section of Zephaniah, we find the prophet warning Judah of God’s judgment and calling the nation to repentance (1:1-2:3). In the second section the prophet announces God’s rule over the entire world and warns that all nations are accountable to Him. This includes all the nations-and Judah (2:4-3:8)! The third section of Zephaniah reflects a dramatic shift. It offers powerful hope for the future even in the midst of judgment. The prophet’s message is tailor-made for nations and people in need of reformation and revival.

I. The LORD issues a warning (2:4-15)

-surrounding nations/Judah’s enemies
-Philistines 4-7
-Moab/Ammon 8-11
-Ethiopia 12
-Assyria 13-15
-note the “remnant” reference 9
-note the assessment 10

II. The LORD indicts His own people (3:1-8)

-four-fold specification 1-2
-contrasting human corruption and divine constancy 3-5
-the LORD’S actions and the arrogance of His people 6-8
-note the command to “wait” in 8

III. The LORD announces His plan for the future (3:9-20)

-dramatic shift
-historical regathering and greater gathering
-promise of global reawakening 9-10
-promise of revival/purification 11-12
-the spectacular promise of 17

IV. Application

-Sin will not have the final word.
-God has and will have a people. (Eph. 3:4-6, Rev. 5:9)
-Because God is determined to have a people for Himself, take refuge in Him and celebrate the wonder of His love.
-“Other refuge have I none, Hangs my helpless soul on Thee; Leave, ah! Leave me not alone, Still support and comfort me. All my help from Thee I bring; Cover my defenseless head, With the shadow of Thy wing.” (Charles Wesley in “Jesus, Lover of My Soul.”


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