Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for February 22, 2015
“Commit Your Way to the Lord” Nehemiah 10:28-39 Bible Study 02/22/15
As we approach Nehemiah 10, we are greeted with an extended list of returning exiles who “sealed the covenant” in light of the confession and renewal recorded in Nehemiah 9. This list, far from being an insignificant addendum to the “action” of Nehemiah, is strikingly important. The names on the list represent people from across the strata and categories of post-exilic Jewish life. The list itself indicates the solidarity of leaders in the quest to model commitment for all the inhabitants of Jerusalem. Additionally, the list conveys a timeless principle: Tangible commitment flows out of true confession. When you take the Lord’s Word seriously, you gladly commit yourself to the promotion of His purposes.
I. Grasp the context
-following assembly of confession/renewal in Neh. 9
-a signed document
-specific commitments
* cessation of intermarriage
* sensitivity to the Sabbath
* support of the Temple
II. Observe the description of the committed (10:28-29)
-…separated themselves…to the Law of God
-…knowledge and understanding
-…enter into a curse and an oath to walk…
III. Observe the specifications of the commitment (10:30-39)
-…not give our daughters: purity
-Sabbath, crops, debts: perspective
-provision for the house of God: praise
IV. Consider a NT connection (Rom. 12:1-2)
-flowing out of 11:33-36
-paradox of “living” sacrifice
-avoiding conformity
-embracing transformation
V. So what?
-Meaningful renewal flows out of submission to God’s Word
-Prize the value of community
-View yourself as steward rather than owner
-Grasp the value of biblical “separation”
-Connect your stewardship with the command to be “salt and light” (Matt. 5:13-16)