Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for February 15, 2015

“The Way Back Home” Nehemiah 9:1-38 Bible Study 02/15/15

In the book of Nehemiah, much attention is focused on the return of exiles to Jerusalem and the rebuilding of its walls. As important as this physical return and rebuilding is, Nehemiah also addresses a matter of far greater significance-the return and restoration of a chronically unfaithful people to a consistently faithful God. Nehemiah 9 contains the longest prayer recorded in Scripture. This theologically-rich chapter underscores the centrality of God’s Word, the surpassing value of His character and the solemnity of honest confession of sin to Him. When you intentionally treasure God’s Word, you gain an understanding of Him and yourself that results in ongoing renewal.

I. Review of events in Nehemiah 8

-reading of Law
-from mourning to joy
-reinstitution of Feast of Booths

II. Meeting for confession and worship (9:1-5a)

-solemn assembly
-separation from foreigners
-Word, confession and worship

III. Prayer of confession (9:5b-31)

-name of God
-God as creator
-captivity in Egypt to Red Sea
-desert wanderings to Promised Land
-judgment to Babylonian captivity

IV. Request and resolve (9:32-37)

-The great God…
-request: “Let not…”
-summary confession
-honest assessment
-sealed covenant

V. So what?

-Affirm God’s absolute faithfulness
-Acknowledge the devastating consequences of sin
-Agree with God’s assessment of sin
-Appreciate the power of God’s Word
-Celebrate the wonder of God’s grace and mercy!


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