Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for January 25, 2015

“Be Faithful in Adversity” Nehemiah 6:1-19 Bible Study 01/25/15

This morning’s study completely explodes the popular modern myth that if one is serving God, he or she is guaranteed instant and hassle-free success. Nehemiah encounters obstacles at seemingly every turn in his quest to rebuild the walls around Jerusalem. His experience reinforces the biblical truth that captures the essence of our look at 6:1-19: Because God is able to overcome all obstacles to His work, you can complete His assignment with confidence.

I. Expect opposition when on assignment for God

-2:19-20, 4:1-5, 4:7-8
-battleship not cruiseship
-external and internal

II. Use discernment to minimize distractions (6:1-4)

-status of the walls
-a seemingly “spiritual” invitation
-Nehemiah’s awareness
-desperation of opposition
-the value of saying “no”

III. Respond to outright falsehood with open facts (6:5-9)

-open letter
-character-assassination strategy
-“Just the facts…”
-refuse to allow intimidation to immobilize

IV. Employ discretion in assessing proposals (6:10-14)

-Shemaiah’s recommendation
-ancient asylum-seeking
-Nehemiah’s key question
-Nehemiah’s perception

V. Anticipate opposition even after completing the assignment (6:15-19)

-the impact and testimony of a completed wall
-continuation of harassment
-the best answer to opposition


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