Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for January 11, 2015

“God Inspires the Work” Nehemiah 1:1-11; 2:1-8; 2:17-18 Bible Study 01/11/15

Our texts today focus on the servant leadership of Nehemiah. About 13-14 years after Ezra’s arrival in Jerusalem, Nehemiah returned to Jerusalem as the Lord’s key instrument in spearheading the effort to rebuild the walls of the city. While it is certainly appropriate to stress the exemplary leadership skills and practices of Nehemiah, the bigger picture in the book that bears his name focuses on the honor and reputation of the “great and awesome God.” This God restores His repentant people in order that they might do work that honors Him. Those who recognize God as great and awesome pursue His honor and depend on His power.

I. Understand Nehemiah’s perspective (1:1-11)

-Nehemiah: “The Lord comforts”
-invocation, confession and request
-accurate understanding and thorough knowledge…

II. Reflect on the exposure of Nehemiah’s distress (2:1-3)

-four months later his grief is apparent
-his role as cupbearer to the King
-the King’s question and Nehemiah’s response

III. Examine the presentation of Nehemiah’s request (2:4-5)

-an ordained invitation
-a pause for prayer
-humility, tact and discretion

IV. Observe evidence of Nehemiah’s careful planning (2:6-8)

-request for letters
-request for supplies
-“the good hand of my God…”

V. Note the commitment to build (2:17-18)

-identification with the people
-honest assessment
-testimony of grace
-motivation for commitment: the wall/reputation of God connection

VI. So what?

-Remember that “faith” is not a synonym for disorder and chaos
-Make an assessment of those things that grieve/distress you
-Care more about God’s honor and reputation than your own
-Trust God to address the “King Puzzles” in your life
-Cultivate a lofty view of God that is informed by His Word
-“O Could I speak the matchless worth…”


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