Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for January 4, 2015

“God Commands Obedience” Ezra 7:1-10 Bible Study 01/04/15

The focus of this particular passage is particularly appropriate for the first Sunday in a new year. As we make new resolutions and commitments, the objective of saturating ourselves in Scripture should be at the top of our lists. Almost sixty years after the completion of the Temple, Ezra led a group of returning exiles back to Jerusalem with the goal of restoring the proper worship of the living God. Ezra was a priestly descendant, a skilled scribe, a capable leader and a Scripture-saturated person. The Lord used him at a critical time in the history of His people. His impact is still a topic of discussion today! God honors faithful obedience to His Word with fruitfulness and freedom.

I. Think about this theme

-thematic element that binds chapters 7-8 together
-7:6,9,28; 8:18,22,31
-“the hand of God…”

II. Note the emphasis on credentials (1-6)

-“Now after this…”
-connection to Aaron
-the favor of Artaxerxes

III. Observe Ezra’s dedicated focus (7-10)

-four-month journey
-“set his heart…to study…to do…to teach…”
-completed revelation and ongoing providence

IV. So what?

-“But we never can prove the delights of His love until all on the altar we lay…” (J. Sammis)
-Remember that “God is the ruler yet.”
-Investigate/Incarnate/Instruct (M. Minnick)
-2 Tim. 3:16-17: God-breathed Scripture
-Psa. 119:17-40: The issue of inclination


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