Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for December 21, 2014

“From Bethlehem to the Ends of the Earth” Micah 5:2-5a Bible Study 12/21/14

In Luke 2:8-20 one can find at least two specific references to Bethlehem as the place of Christ’s birth. More than 700 years before the events recorded in Luke 2, the prophet Micah delivered a prophetic word which helps us grasp the “why” and “how” of celebrating Christmas. His prophecy of Christ’s birth in Bethlehem invites us to ponder the Lord’s incomparable providence and to trust His supernatural provision for us.

I. Introduction

-Micah: contemporary of Isaiah
-from heartache to hope
-two images: sheep/shepherd and woman in labor
-perception of professionals and people

II. The Lord always acts to magnify His Person

-the contrast: insignificance of Bethlehem and significance of Christ
-the conclusion: Why?
-to shut the mouth of human boasting
-to shine forth the magnitude of His mercy

III. The Lord always keeps His promises

-linking David and Jesus
-confirmation of 2 Samuel 7:16
-condition: not rising but sinking

IV. The Lord always protects His people

-standing, shepherding, serving
-security and peace
-the deepest need at Christmas


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