Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for December 7, 2014

“Deliverance Is Needed” Esther 3:1-9 Bible Study 12/07/14

This morning we begin a new series of studies in Esther, Ezra and Nehemiah. While one might think that the book of Esther has no definite connection to the celebration of Christ’s first coming, there is a distinct connection to be made. This connection might be best conveyed through an understanding of the concept of providence. We will observe that the name of God does not appear in the text of Esther. However, the “fingerprint” of His providential supervision and care is evident throughout this ancient biblical account. People in every generation need deliverance and God is the great and ultimate Deliverer.

I. Four Key Personalities

-Ahasuerus/Xerxes: The Persian King who stages a beauty pageant
-Esther/Hadassah: The beauty who becomes a queen “for such a time as this” (4:14)
– Mordecai: Esther’s cousin/guardian and faithful God-fearer
-Haman: The Agagite and manipulative villain bent on exterminating the Jews

II. One Ultimate Ruler

-The Living God who delivers
– Exploring the concept of “providence”
-While God’s people can expect mistreatment and misunderstanding from an unbelieving world, they can rest confidently in His providential care and deliverance.

III. Applications

-In the NT: cradle and cross
-“God is never the victim of circumstances.” (N. Parrish)
-Often God does His greatest work when His presence is seemingly the least perceptible.
-“…conduct yourselves with fear….” (1 Peter 1:17)
– Hebrews 2:14-18


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