Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for October 26, 2014

“Do Not Be Anxious” Matthew 6:25-34 Bible Study 10/26/14

As we enter the second week of our Mission 1:8 focus, we will turn our attention to a well-known text from our Lord’s Sermon on the Mount. Often, the believer’s stewardship of his “time, talent and treasure” is hindered by a paralyzing anxiety. In this morning’s text the command to “not be anxious” occurs three times in a span of ten verses. You conquer anxiety only as you pursue God’s Kingdom.

I. Do Not Be Anxious (25-30)

-motivation and evaluation
-understanding anxiety
-the “world’s trinity of cares”:
-look at the birds…(food)
-consider the lilies…(clothing)
-the ineffectiveness of anxiety

II. Do Not Be Anxious (31-33)

-a Gentile obsession
-The Father’s knowledge
-antidote: a prioritized pursuit
-kingdom and righteousness

III. Do Not Be Anxious (34)

-facing your future
-tomorrow “personified”
-what we’re not promised

IV. So what?

-Reject the secular reductionist mindset.
-Seize the privileges of the present.
-Whose Kingdom captures your heart?
-Remember that He who creates is He who sustains.


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