Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for October 19, 2014

“Assembly Required” Hebrews 10:19-25 Bible Study 10/19/14

I. Introduction

1. The Mission 1:8 Challenge
2. Ephesians 3:17b-18
3. What difference do you want your life to make?
4. Aimless or Focused?

II. Main Idea

In light of the lavishly generous sacrifice of Jesus which gives us bold access to God, invest your life in fellowship with Him and His people.

III. The Text

-Savor the benefits of Christ’s sacrifice (19-21)…
…since we have confidence
…since we have a great Priest

1. Draw near (22)

-with a true heart
-with sprinkled hearts and washed bodies

2. Hold fast (23)

-unwavering confession of hope
-He is faithful

3. Consider how (24-25)

-stir up
-not neglecting
-all the more


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