Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for October 12, 2014

“Jehovah-Nissi: The Lord our Banner” Exodus 17 Bible Study 10/12/14

In previous weeks we have observed that the names of God reveal His character and remind us of His sovereignty, sufficiency and steadfastness. Jehovah-Nissi is a designation that includes these attributes while pointing us specifically to the powerful and awe-inspiring presence of the Lord. This name is an invitation for us to cultivate and celebrate a radical God-centeredness in our lives. Because He sustains and enables His people, we should lift up the Lord with our lips and our lives.

I. Grumblers gag on the Lord’s provision

-a staggering case of stubborn unbelief
-another “water” problem
-Massah and Meribah
-murmuring and manna (what is it?)
-a dangerous implication

II. The Lord purposely packages His provision

-for progress not paralysis
-the discipline of daily dependence
-intensification from food to foe
-“You can’t even keep your hands up!”

III. Jesus expresses the peak of the Lord’s provision

-Psalm 60:4-5
-Christ our Banner


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