Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for June 22, 2014

“The Fellowship of Overcomers” 1 John 5:1-5 Bible Study 06/22/14

In 1 John one may observe a repeated emphasis on faith, love and obedience. In this morning’s text, John puts these three concepts together and asserts that their proper application enables believers to be overcomers rather than underachievers. When your faith is fixed on Jesus, you can experience overwhelming conquest in the midst of ongoing conflict.

I. Confirm the truth about Jesus (1,5)

-remember the Lord’s initiative

-assent and embrace

II. Convey compassion for God’s people (2)

-common origin

-consistent obedience

III. Comply with God’s commands (3-4)

-structural observation: ABCCBA

-moral obedience and emotional experience

-What in the world is the “world”?

-the principle of victory: nikao

IV. So what?

-Rev. 12:10-11

-not “for” but “from” victory…

-Pursue accurate doctrine and overwhelming delight!


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