Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for June 15, 2014

“Love in the House” 1 John 4:19-21 Bible Study 06/15/14

After stressing that maturing love for God removes dread and gives confidence for the day of judgment, John turns his attention to the matter of how this maturing love has a profound impact on our relationships with other believers. Selfishness always backfires. It hurts individuals and churches. Most of all, it dishonors the Lord. This morning’s text clearly indicates that what honors the Lord is a love for others in the family of faith that flows out of His first love for us.

I. Practical love flows from prior love (19)



II. Visible disdain invalidates the verbal claim (20)



III. Christ’s commandment confirms the connection (21)


IV. So what?
-Remember that “membership” has its privileges and obligations.

-“What comes into a person’s mind when he thinks about God is the most important thing about that person.” (J. I. Packer)

-Celebrate the Lord’s initiative.

-Seize every opportunity to “testify to love.”


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