Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for May 25, 2014

“Where God Is” 1 John 4:12-16 Bible Study 05/25/14
This morning’s text addresses the realm in which God resides. Of course, we know that God is omnipresent. However, the repeated use of the term “abide” in our text signals the specific concept of abiding/dwelling/being at home. It addresses the environment in which God is actively at work and particularly manifesting His supernatural power and presence. His heart beats with love for us and with the deep desire that we love one another. Because God is love, He resides where the atmosphere and activity of His love abound.

I. Connect the concepts

-believe (4:1-6)
-love (4:7-11)

II. Confirm the functions of love (12)

-furnishing proof
-fulfilling purpose

III. Consider the evidence (13-16)

-confirmation of the Holy Spirit
-confession of the truth
-continuance in love

IV. So what?

-“O to grace how great a debtor daily I’m constrained to be. Let Thy grace, Lord, like a fetter, bind my wandering heart to Thee.” (R. Robinson)
-A reminder from Amy Carmichael: “Beloved, let us love!”
-Acknowledge the stewardship issue of love.
-Keep this question at the forefront: How has God treated me?
-What contact do I need to make this week for the purpose of affirming love, extending forgiveness or showing grace?


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