Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for May 4, 2014

“Blessed Assurance” 1 John 3:19-24 Bible Study 05/04/14

Earlier in 1 John 3, the beloved apostle has addressed the importance of obedience to God and love for others. Now, as he concludes his remarks in this chapter, he addresses his readers with great sensitivity. He knows they have been bombarded by false teachings and false lifestyles. He also knows that they, like us, inevitably deal with failure and doubt. Therefore, John offers some challenging yet comforting words of assurance. Assurance before God comes as you focus on His character and follow His commands.

I. Acknowledge the fact of assurance (19-20)

-a grounded life

-a soothed heart

II. Seize the privileges of assurance (21-22)

-freedom of speech

-fulfillment of desire

III. Return to the foundation of assurance (23-24)

-faith in Jesus

-love for others

-confirmation of the Spirit

IV. So What?

-“Assurance: the suburbs of paradise.” (Thomas Boston)

-Don’t miss the connection between assurance and obedience/love.

-“Obedience is the indispensable condition, not the meritorious cause of answered prayer. (John Stott)

-Remember that the human heart is never the final standard.

-“If the pump of love is dry, the pipe of prayer is not deep enough.” (John Piper)


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