Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for April 13, 2014

“Proof of Ownership” 1 John 3:4-10 Bible Study 04/13/14

Many families and individuals today take special precautions and spend significant resources in order to protect their safety and health. In our text this morning, John is concerned with the spiritual safety and health of his beloved readers. Desiring to protect them from false views about a right relationship with God and the nature of sin, He “shoots straight” with them. He has just addressed the astonishing love of God and how one should “never get over it.” In this morning’s text, he continues to expand on what he previously wrote regarding purity and righteousness. His challenge then and now is that believers should never stop growing in obedience. Growing obedience to Jesus is a distinguishing trait of the true believer. Because being a child of God is incompatible with the practice of sin, pursue conformity to Jesus in every area of your life.

I. Answer two diagnostic questions
-What is your view of sin?

-What is your view of Jesus?

II. Grasp the seriousness of sin (4-6)
-attacks the glory of God

-violates the will of God

-dismisses the work of God

III. Acknowledge the source of sin (7-8a)
-it finds its source in the devil

-it dominates the lives of his children

-its deception must be avoided

IV. Abide in the One who delivers from sin (8b-10)
-He takes away sins

-He destroys the devil’s work

-He enables “family resemblance”

V. So what?
-“The believer may fall into sin but he will not walk in it.” (D. Smith)

-What “ships” do you need to burn?

-“Obedience is the best evidence of trust in God.” (F. B. Huey)

-“If you’re going to fight a war, you’ve got to have a uniform.” (Captain America)


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