Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for April 6, 2014

“How Shall We Then Live?” 1 John 2:28-3:3 Bible Study 04/06/14

After addressing the moral (dark/light), social (hate/love) and doctrinal (error/truth) dimensions of the Christian life, John moves forward with the purpose of providing strong encouragement and pointed application. Essentially, he answers the question: Informed of the light, love and truth of the gospel, how should one live presently? Armed with an awareness of the supremacy of the Father’s love and the certainty of His promises, live with a growing appreciation of your identity and destiny.

I. Cling to Jesus continually (2:28-29)
-transitional/shift verses

-abide now

-the righteousness-regeneration connection

II. Consider the quality of the Father’s love (3:1a)
-wrong response: entitlement

-right response: astonishment

III. Claim the reality of your new identity (3:1b-2a)
-a matter of reference

-a matter of reality

IV. Anticipate your final destiny (3:2b-3)
-to be like Jesus and to see Jesus

-anticipation as motivation for purification

-no “exemptions”

V. So what?
-Live every moment in light of the “moment” to come.

-Contemplation of conformity motivates commitment to purity. (D. E. Hiebert)

-“We are not to judge our lives by other peoples’ but by Christ’s, who is the standard or goal toward which we are to move.” (H. Hobbs)

-“There shall we see His face and never, never sin. There from the rivers of His grace drink endless pleasures in.” (I. Watts)


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