Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for March 23, 2014

“The Love God Hates” 1 John 2:12-17 Bible Study 03/23/14

As strange as it may sound, in some areas of life the concepts of love and hate are quite compatible. We have an explicit example of this in Psalm 97:10: “O you who love the LORD, hate evil!” We have another example in this morning’s text. The first part of 1 John 2 covers what the believer is to do and what he is to love. Now, in contrast to the ‘to do” emphases addressed previously, our text instructs us concerning what “not to do.” In essence, we are warned about the wrong kind of love, the love God hates. Because the world is passing away and has values opposed to God, reject it and pursue His will.

I. Grasp the status of the true believer living in this world (12-14)
-prelude: transitional six-fold statement

-identification of genuine Christians

-explanation of terms: little children, fathers, young men

-well-equipped for victorious living

II. Avoid attachment to this world (15)
-a clear prohibition

-understanding the use of “world” in this context

-an “excluding” love

III. Consider the contradictory character of this world (16)
-desires of flesh- sensuality

-desires of eyes -visual appeal

-pride of life- arrogant self-sufficiency

IV. Feast on the biblical promise (17)
-passing world system

-remaining “will-doing” believer

V. So what?
-Relish the reality of “blessed assurance.”

-Take pains to avoid an “illicit affair” with this world.

-Examine the stewardship of your personhood, perspective and possessions.

-Aim to view your present life through the lens of eternity.


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