Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for December 29, 2013

Teacher: Dr. Matthew McKellar
Associate Professor of Preaching/Chair of the Preaching Department
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

“But One Thing!” Philippians 3:9-16 Bible Study 12/29/13

Previously, in 3:1-8, Paul portrays Jesus as the believer’s all-sufficient and all-surpassing wealth. This morning’s text offers to us the biblically appropriate response to such a reality. If Jesus is the most valuable entity in the universe, what kind of people should we be and what kind of lives should we live? Our text offers concrete answers to these questions as we anticipate the arrival of a new year on Wednesday. Because of the surpassing worth of Jesus, press on in your relationship with Him. This means being a “one thing” person!

I. Embrace identity with Jesus completely (9-11)
-Paul’s permanent “address”

-the treasure of true righteousness

-the “fuel” of resurrection power

-the fellowship of His sufferings

-no destination “anxiety”

II. View yourself accurately (12-13a)




III. Pursue Jesus passionately (13b-16)
-But one thing…

-press on: forgetting…straining

-maturity: responding obediently to truth

IV. So What?
-Grace is opposed to earning, not to effort. (D. Willard)

-Sanctification does not permit spiritual abdication. (A. Motyer)

-Behold Him there! The risen Lamb! My perfect, spotless Righteousness! (C.L. Bancroft)

-Pressing on demands holy amnesia and holy sweat.


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