Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for December 1, 2013
Teacher: Dr. Matthew McKellar
Associate Professor of Preaching/Chair of the Preaching Department
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
“The Ledger of Your Life” Philippians 3:4-8 Bible Study 12/01/13
As we come to 3:4-8, we find Paul driving home the significance of two previous commands (“rejoice” in v. 1 and “look out” in v. 2) by setting in opposition the ideas of “glory in Christ Jesus” and “confidence in the flesh”. In a direct response to those who would distort the gospel, he draws from his own experience to champion the absolute supremacy of Jesus and the “overtopping” worth of knowing Him. When you value knowing Jesus, you view all human assets as a liability in comparison to knowing Him.
I. Introduction (4)
-a continuing “clash”
-the facts about the “flesh”
-the key word “count”
II. Consider Paul’s pedigree (5a)
III. Consider Paul’s performance (5b-6)
IV. Consider Paul’s assessment (7-8)
-the “overtopping” value
-progression in knowing and suffering
-as desirable as “rubbish”
-the immense “betterness” of Jesus
V. So what?
-Repudiate do-it-yourself approaches to God.
-“ Stand up, stand up for Jesus, Stand in His strength alone; The arm of flesh will fail you, Ye
dare not trust your own.” (George Duffield, Jr.)
-What gives you confidence before the Almighty?
-Glorying in Jesus is not a static thing!
-“ I’d rather have Jesus than men’s applause; I’d rather be faithful to His dear cause; I’d
rather have Jesus than worldwide fame; I’d rather be true to His holy name…”
(Rhea F. Miller)