Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for November 3, 2013

Teacher: Dr. Matthew McKellar
Associate Professor of Preaching/Chair of the Preaching Department
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

“Follow the Leader” Philippians 2:12-18 Bible Study 11/03/13

After focusing the attention of his readers on the Father’s assessment of His Son’s sacrificial obedience, Paul uses another “therefore” to signal a shift in thought. Our text this morning finds Paul going back to the thought of 1:27 (presence/absence) in order to stress the importance of practical obedience. Paul had no sympathy for a sterile or lifeless orthodoxy that knew nothing of struggle and growth. We must follow our Lord’s example of obedience. His presence in us and power through us make such a following a possibility. Let the perfect obedience of Jesus promote a growing practical obedience in your earthly pilgrimage.

I. Strive on to the finish (12-13)
-key command: “work out…”

-accelerated motivation

-the “sense” of salvation

-accompanying perspective: “fear and trembling”

-the source of “energy”

II. Shine like a star (14-16)
-key command: “do…”

-principle of separation

-principle of illumination: “shine as luminaries”

-principle of continuation: “holding fast”

III. Share a biblical outlook (17-18)
-key command: “Be glad and rejoice…”

-the “liturgy” of faith

-sacrificial perspective

IV. So what?
-Remember that “grace is opposed to earning and not to effort.” (Willard)

-Renew you acquaintance with the concept of the “fear of the Lord.”

-Recognize the practical aspect of biblical Christianity. “Nothing clarifies doctrine like doing.
Each new thing learned becomes a millstone if we do not make it a milestone.” (Havner)

-Resist the accommodation that dims the light of illumination.

-View your life as a worship offering.


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