Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for October 27, 2013

Teacher: Dr. Matthew McKellar
Associate Professor of Preaching/Chair of the Preaching Department
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

“The Father’s Assessment” Philippians 2:9-11 Bible Study 10/27/13

This morning’s text is the conclusion of the great Christological hymn of 2:5-11. In verses 9-11 we move from the matter of Christ’s humiliation to the marvelous truth of His exaltation. This exaltation is the Father’s “stamp of approval” of His Son’s self-humbling, cross-bearing conquest. In this text we discover the Father’s estimation of the Son. The implications of it are staggering for all of creation! Because God delights in the exaltation of His Son, confess Jesus as Lord and conform to His mindset.

I. Recognize the reason for His exaltation
-understand the “therefore”

-the activity of self-humbling

II. Examine the nature of His exaltation

-“graced” with a name: LORD (Isa. 45:22-25)

III. Grasp the goal of His exaltation
-knees of submission

-tongues of confession

-glory of God

IV. So what?
-incentive for humility
-encouragement in trial
-motivation for evangelism
-urgency of salvation
-insight for “legacy”
-if you agree with the assessment, live like it!


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