Weekly Lesson for September 22, 2013

Guest speaker: Dr. Matthew McKellar
Associate Professor of Preaching/Chair of the Preaching Department
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

“Reality Check” Philippians 1:21-26 Bible Study 09/22/13
Paul’s powerful assertion in this morning’s text is both a sobering challenge and a penetrating “reality check.” All of us live for something or for someone. As Paul considers his future as a believer, he knows that Christian hope makes the outcome certain but leaves open both the time of fulfillment and the means by which the goal is reached. Our objective this morning is to examine carefully Paul’s perspective on this life and the life that is to come.
The “big” idea: Because of the surpassing worth and power of Christ, reality for the believer involves present fruitful service and future eternal gain.
I. Biblical reality enables discernment (21-22)
-life: opportunity for increased fruit

-death: prospect of immediate gain

II. Biblical reality fuels desire (23)
-constrained/hemmed in

-longing to exchange “camp” life for “home” life

III. Biblical reality dictates devotion (24-26)
-the progress of others

-the praise of Christ

IV. So what?
-“Live here in light of there under the conquering authority of the King.” -Joseph Stowell

-“I cannot but run with all my might, for I am close to the goal.” –Charles Simeon in old age

-Am I utterly enthralled with Jesus?


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