Weekly Lesson for August 4, 2013

Guest speaker: Dr. Matthew McKellar
Associate Professor of Preaching/Chair of the Preaching Department
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

Bible Study 08/04/13 “A Severe Mercy” Jonah 1:17-2:10

This morning we resume our study of Jonah, the prodigal prophet of the Old Testament.
In his experience of being swallowed by a great fish, Jonah becomes a stellar example of
the Lord’s merciful dealings with His children. Also, we will observe that prayer takes on a new
level of intensity when it is offered from inside the belly of a fish!

I. Observe (again) the arresting providence of God
-an appointed fish
-vehicle for deliverance
-sign of supremacy

II. Discern the deeper work
-not the belly of a fish but the heart of a prophet
-departure from God’s presence and word
-summary: “I called…You heard…”

III. Trace the path from rebellion to restoration
-flee to God’s presence
-pray God’s word: Jonah uses the Psalms.
-praise God’s character: Jonah does it from the gut of a fish.

IV. So what?
-The Lord demonstrates His mercy to His servants so that they may
magnify it personally and extend it indiscriminately.


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