Dr. Bingham’s Lesson for May 6, 2012

Guest speaker: Kevin Dodge

“Being a Christian in a Cultural Christian World — Part I” – Judges 6:1-24

The author of the book of Judges is thought to be Samuel.

The second generation of Israelites after the Exodus invaded the land of Canaan.

God’s plan was for Israel to be a light to the rest of the nations. But in Judges, we see that they fell far short of that goal by assimilating idolatry into their religious life. From time to time, God allowed them to be taken over or oppressed by neighboring nations and then eventually, when they had repented, providing them a deliverer who would restore their independence.

Judges 6:1-6
Israel did evil in the sight of God and the Midianites, primarily, and the Amalikites invaded the land and left the Israelites impoverished.

Judges 6:7-10
Israel cried out to God and god sent a (man) prophet to tell them where they went wrong.

Judges 6:11-12
The angel of the Lord appears to Gideon. The angel of the Lord is generally taken to be the pre-incarnate Christ, “Yahweh is with you, mighty warrior.” Gideon is a leading man in his community.

Judges 6:13-18
Gideon disputes what the Lord has said to him. But God tells him that He is sending him.
Gideon evidently does not recognize that he is talking to God. But Gideon asks for a sign.

Judges 6:19-24
Gideon prepares an offering to the Lord and the angel of the Lord touches the offering with his staff and fire consumes the offering. Gideon now believes.

It is hard to live as a true Christian in a nominally Christian culture.

Romans 12:1-2
We need to live with Christian distinctives in a cultural Christian world. Be all-in as a Christian. Allow yourself to stand out. Be in the world but not of the world.


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