Dr. Bingham’s Lesson for April 22, 2012

Series in Mark

“Something is Missing from our World” – Mark 14:1-9

One of the themes in Mark is that most people respond to Jesus in inappropriate ways. Those who have responded to Jesus appropriately we call the church. So most of the people in the house of Simon the Leper respond to the woman’s act of pouring perfume on Jesus’ head by saying that it was a great waste. They don’t realize that Jesus is leaving. The only one who understands this is the woman.

John 16:5-11, 16
Even though we are saved, forgiven, and redeemed and we have the promise of resurrection from the dead and eternal life in the kingdom of God, there is a big hole in our world — Jesus has left it. This is something for you to grieve about, something to feel pain about. Some people will tell you that you have all you need as a Christian right now. But they just don’t get it.

Mark 13:1-2, 5, 9, 12-13, 17
Things are not right with our world because Jesus is not here. Something is missing from our world and we should be grieved because of it.

Mark 13:26-27
When Jesus returns there won’t be any mistake about it because He will come in the clouds and the dead will be raised from one end of the earth to the other. It will be something you have never seen or imagined before.

We are a people without our Lord. Every day should be a day we cry out for our Lord. We are a people in waiting.

“Even so, come Lord Jesus.”


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