Dr. Bingham’s Lesson for February 5, 2012

Series in Mark

“Jesus asks a Question” – Mark 10:32-52

Jesus asks a question of two different people in this passage: “What do you want for me to do for you?

Mark 10:32-34
For the third time in as many chapters, beginning in chapter 8, Jesus predicts His death.
The Jews were expecting a messiah who would come in glory and power not in humility ending in suffering and death.

Mark 10:35-45
The disciples are still filled with the vision of the transfiguration and, disregarding His words about his coming death, can only think about what Jesus can do for them. They want the most privileged places in glory.
Jesus demonstrates His humility in answering the disciples.
See also Matthew 20:23.
Some things are foreordained by God.
Don’t confuse God with someone you are used to manipulating.
The ten who were indignant were just as guilty.
Your relationship with Jesus in this life should be an opportunity to imitate Him in being a servant to others.
Concentrate on a prayer life that makes you a better servant.

Mark 10:46-52
It is the blind man who really sees, who knows how to answer the question – be merciful to me.


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