Dr. Bingham’s Lesson for December 11, 2011

Series in Mark

“Becoming a Faithful Disciple is a Process/Feeding of 4000” – Mark 8:1-21

“Mark, more than any other gospel, gives us a glimpse into the faithlessness of the disciples in relationship to the teaching and the miracles of Jesus. Despite witnessing all that Jesus has done thus far, they are still struggling with who Jesus is.”
Mark 8:17-21; 6:51-52; 7:17-18; 8:33; 9:9-10; 10:35; 14:37, 50, 66-68

It is wrong to “demand signs from He who has already manifested Himself to us. The problem is not with the insufficiency of God in providing information about Himself, but the problem is with us; we need our hearts remade. God has already shown us in Jesus Christ everything necessary for faith and Godliness.”

Luke 1:46-55, particularly verses 54-55
God is proved to be a keeper of promises.

Luke 1:68-74
“We don’t need any more signs, because God has already spoken to us in his prophets and, now, in these last days through His Son Jesus Christ; and He has already said to us everything that we need to know. We don’t need Him to part the Red Sea today; we don’t need Him to raise a dead person today; we don’t need Him to heal a sick person today. He does not need to do anything more today because He has already been shown to be faithful to what He has said through His prophets and His apostles and in these last days through His own Son Jesus Christ.”


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