Dr. Bingham’s Lesson for September 25, 2011
Series in Mark
“You have to know what is meant by the Name, Jesus” – Mark 6:1-13
Mark 3:20
The last time Jesus was in His home town, His family thought He was crazy.
To refer to Jesus as Mary’s son was an insult in that culture.
Mark 6:7 – Jesus sends out the twelve.
He requires them to take nothing but a single tunic and sandals and authority to cast out demons.
“Every time you say Jesus, give some content to it:
I believe in Jesus who can raise the dead!
I believe in Jesus who can heal diseases!
I believe in Jesus who can give the Spirit!
I believe in Jesus who can forgive sins!
I believe in Jesus who is the Holy One of God!
I believe in Jesus who has power over the demons!
I believe in Jesus who is the Lord of the Old Testament!
I believe in Jesus who is the Creator of heaven and earth!
That’s who Jesus is!”