Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for August 14, 2022
Synchronized Providence
2 Kings 8:1-6
1. Introduction
• connection to 4:8-37: a prophet’s chamber, a promised son and a restoration of life
• the concept of providence
2. The Impermanence of Circumstances 1-2
• from national to personal
• Elisha’s famine-warning system
• a remembered kindness: house remodel for a holy man (Matt. 10:40-42)
3. The Capacity to Restore 3-5
• a crying out to the king: house and field
• an ear-full from Gehazi
• repetition of “restore”
• the LORD’S gracious timing
4. The Truths of Grace and Governance 6
• a massive testimony
• illustration of Proverbs 21:1 and Matthew 6:28-34
• the word heeded: nothing lost and everything gained
• connection to Christ: a greater restoration
5. So What?
• In light of the LORD’S sustaining and restorative providence, take His word seriously and trust Him entirely.
• Determine to move from fascination to faithfulness.
• Remember the two “poles” of the LORD’S providence.
• “This is my anthem; this is my song, the theme of the stories I’ve heard for so long. God has been faithful; He will be again. His loving compassion; it knows no end. All I have need of, His hand will provide. He’s always been faithful to me.” (S. Groves)
Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for August 7, 2022
Guest Speaker: Jeff Chapman
Jeff Chapman and his wife, Angela, grew up in Arizona. Jeff served in the United States Air Force before spending 25 years in the corporate world. Since 2015, he has earned a Master of Divinity degree and a Master of Theology degree at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and is currently pursuing a PhD in preaching under Dr. McKellar’s supervision.
A Treasure of Immeasurable Worth
2 Timothy 1:8-18
– Paul’s final letter from prison to his disciple Timothy
o Deeply emotional
o Final opportunity to communicate what is most important
– Verses 1-7
o Paul loving and encouraging Timothy reminding him who he was and how he became who he was by the mercy and grace of God
o Further encouraging Timothy by praying for him constantly
o Reminding Timothy of the faith that dwelt in him
o Challenging Timothy to fan into flame this gift of faith and the Holy Spirit
o Reminding Timothy that despite the daunting task, the Holy Spirit that was in them is one of power, love, and self-control
– “therefore” …
– Because the gospel is so precious, passionately protect and proudly promote it
I. Suffer Boldly and Without Shame
a. For the gospel
b. By the power of God
c. With our brothers and sisters in Christ
d. Because God and Christ are worth it
Question: When faced with suffering, how would you respond?
II. Follow Faithfully
a. Cling to the truth in faith and love
b. Communicate the truth in faith and love
Question: What are you clinging to?
III. Protect Militantly
a. Safeguard the gospel from evil
b. Safeguard the gospel by the power of the Spirit
Question: Who are you discipling?
IV. Evaluate and Shape your legacy mindfully
a. Stand with the One
b. Fall with the Two
Question: Where will your legacy land?
Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for July 31, 2022
Unclean and Unnamed
2 Kings 7:3-20
1. Introduction/Background 6:24-7:2
• Syrian siege of Samaria
• scarcity of food
2. Intention of This Text
• the Bible: not written to magnify men
• primary emphasis: “For the Lord Himself…” (6-7)
• “…made the army…hear the sound…”
• crafted to call attention to the Lord’s wisdom and power
• twilight coordination (5, 7)
3. Instruments in This Text
• 4 lepers: outcasts who assess, act and announce (3-5, 8-10)
• 1 servant: open to the connection between promise and proclamation (11-15)
• 1 opposing army: potential destroyers become the means of powerful deliverance (16-20)
• according to the word of the LORD
4. So What?
• Knowing that the Lord’s capacity to accomplish His purposes is unlimited, live with unlimited dependence on Him.
• “Maximize the message; minimize the messenger.” (Al Fasol)
• Celebrate the unceasing praise of unlikely people. (1. Cor. 1:27-31)
• Consider a greater deliverance. (Col. 1:13-14)
• “O that with yonder sacred throng we at His feet may fall. We’ll join the everlasting song and crown Him Lord of all…” (E. Perronet)
Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for July 24, 2022
The Last Word
2 Kings 1:1-18
1. Note the Contrasting Departures
• Ahaziah and Elijah
• down and up (1:2. 2:11)
2. Consider the Issue of Crisis Consultation 1-2
• In times of stress, one’s true spiritual temperature registers.
• After his fall, Ahaziah inquires…
• messengers sent to Ekron
• Beelzebub (Matt. 12:22-24)
3. Observe the LORD’S Intercepting Intervention 3-8
• angelic messenger and Elijah
• repeated question: “Is it because…?”
• the hardened heart of Ahaziah
4. The LORD Answers with Fire 9-18
• ancient swat team
• consuming fire
• from prideful requirement to humble request
• the “last” word
5. So What?
• Because the sure word of the Lord covers and consumes, take it seriously and worship Him only.
• Joyfully embrace the jealousy of God and banish your baals.
• Hebrews 12:28-29: Rest in the covering provision and protection of Jesus!
• “Your word will be the last word. Your promises will stand forevermore. Man’s thoughts and all his plans will come to an end. But Your word will be the last word.” (T. Walker)
Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for July 17, 2022
What Are You Doing Here?
1 Kings 19:9-18
1. Introduction
• troubled by Jezebel
• touched by an angel
• repeated question
2. Stunned by Revelation 9-13a
• the spectacular: wind, quake, fire
• the vehicle of revelation
• a word is sufficient
• breathless wonder
3. Shaped by Sufficiency 13b-14
• repeated answer
• emphasis on instrumentality
• the LORD: always working
• interrogation that invites evaluation
4. Sustained by Presence 15-18
• three-fold task: international, national, personal
• still work to do
• assurance: not alone
• sustained and smitten
• connection to Christ
5. So What?
• Because the LORD knows where you are and where you need to be, humbly submit to His providential care and patient correction.
• Three applications: reject…resist…embrace…
• “He who is near to his Captain is sure to be a target for the archers.” (Carmichael)
• “He that appoints the voyage will victual the ship accordingly.” (Henry)
• “So…Humble yourself before your Lord and King. Give Him your heart, offer your everything. There’s no limit on the love He has for you. So humble yourself and see what God will do.” (Willard)
Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for June 19, 2022
A King with a Heart Problem
1 Kings 11:1-43
1. Introduction
• high hopes of 1 Kings 1-10: wisdom, buildings, gold
• dull thud after glowing report
2. The Sin Solomon Commits 1-8
• nature of offense: intermarriage with pagans (Deut. 7:1-4, Ex. 34:11-16)
• subtlety: internal and gradual
• example, experience and educational fallacies
3. The Anger Yahweh Expresses 9-13
• flowing out of godly jealousy (Deut. 6:14-15)
• non-conformity to cultural expectations
4. The History Yahweh Controls 14-39
• raising up adversaries (14, 23, 26)
• distinct policy with consistent application
• a prophetic encounter: sudden, enacted and interpreted
5. The Hope Yahweh Sustains 11-13, 31-39
• promise not negated (2 Sam. 7:12-16)
• restrictions: not now and not all
6. So What?
• Because of the subtlety of sinful compromise and its consequences, cling to the LORD with all your heart.
• Beware of the “creeping pace of accumulated compromises.” (Davis)
• Focus on finishing well to the glory of God!
• “Speak to my heart, oh, speak to my heart, Speak to my heart, I pray; Yielded and still, seeking Thy will, oh, speak to my heart today,” (McKinney “Speak to My Heart”)
Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for May 29, 2022
Get Back to Work!
2 Thessalonians 3:6-18
1. Introduction
• progression of the letter: comfort (1), composure (2) and correction (3)
• addressing the idol of idleness
• For the glory of Christ and the testimony of His church, await His return through a lifestyle of active engagement.
2. Address the Problem 6-9
• authoritative command and significance of appeal to Christ
• withdrawal from the idle
• contradiction of truth received
• from instruction to example
3. Prescribe the Solution 10-12
• key principle: not willing to work…not eat
• report of some not busy…but being busybodies
• another appeal to Christ
• solution: work quietly and eat your own bread
4. Encourage Community Stewardship 13-18
• avoiding discouragement
• refusal to condone or enable
• aiming for restoration
• peace from the Lord of peace
5. So What?
• Determine to prioritize obedience to God’s word.
• “But Christ’s love and His apostles twelve he taught, and first he followed it himself.” (the country parson in Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales)
• Recognize that the real problem is not one of specific timing but of sinful tendency.
• “We’ll Work till Jesus Comes” (E. Mills)
Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for May 22, 2022
Gospel-Driven Prayer
2 Thessalonians 3:1-5
1. Introduction
• previously: comfort in suffering (1) and composure with reference to Christ’s return (2)
• chapter 3: focus on prayer before addressing an idle minority
• Because God is faithful to transform lives through His gospel, prioritize its advancement in your prayers.
2. Pray Gospel-Driven Prayers 1-2
• that the gospel would run and be honored (Psa. 147:15)
• that deliverance would be provided from those who oppose the gospel (Acts 18:5-17)
• noteworthy absence and noteworthy emphasis
3. Observe the Perspective That Shapes Gospel-Driven Prayers 3-4
• confidence in the character of God: faithful…establish…guard (Psa. 9:10)
• confidence in the capacity of God to conform believers to Christ’s likeness
4. Consider a Specific Gospel-Driven Prayer Wish 5
• directed hearts
• love of God
• steadfastness of Christ
5. So What?
• Remember that “prayer is the power that wields the weapon of the word.” (Piper on Eph. 6:17-18)
• “Intercession is the hardest work in the world-the giving of one’s self, time, strength, energy, and attention to the needs of others in a way that no one but God sees, no one but God will do anything about, and no one but God will ever reward your for.” (E. Elliot in On Asking God Why, p. 130)
• Lord, cause your word to run and be glorified in the Sonburst Class and in all the ministries of FBC Dallas.
• “Brethren, pray, and holy manna will be showered all around.” (“Brethren, We Have Met to Worship,” G. Askins)
Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for May 15, 2022
Loving the Truth
2 Thessalonians 2:1-12
1. Introduction
• previously: ammunition for endurance in 1:1-12
• worthy theology and worshipful doxology
• In a climate of error and instability, believers maintain composure through accurate grasp of truth and profound delight in it.
2. Observe the Objective 1-2a
• to solve a practical, emotional problem
• not shaken or disturbed (Mark 13:7)
• calm and clear
3. Consider the Methodology 2b-3
• truth tailored to the danger of deceit
• tending the garden of your emotions with the tools of biblical truth
• identification of error and decisive warning
• two arguments: apostasy and appearing
4. Process the Information 4-8
• rebellious person whose destiny is destruction
• the enemy of God presently restrained
• destroyed with one “puff”
5. Make the Application 9-12
• Avoid apostasy. (Matt. 24:10-14)
• Love the truth.
• Rest in God’s faithfulness.
• “Though troubles assail, and dangers affright, Though friends should all fail, and foes all unite; Yet one thing secures us, whatever betide, The Scripture assures us, The Lord will provide.” (“The Lord Will Provide,” Newton)
Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for May 8, 2022
Ammunition for Endurance
2 Thessalonians 1:5-12
1. Introduction
• a second letter and three key issues
• issue of ongoing/intensified persecution and the struggle with suffering
• Because God’s promises are true and His judgments are right, persevere in all circumstances until His Son returns.
2. Consider Adversity through the Lens of God’s Sovereignty 5-10
• addressing “this” in verse 5
• suffering in the context of God’s dominion (5b)
• repayment for oppressors and relief for the oppressed (6-7a) (Isa. 66:5-6)
• connection to Christ’s return (7b-8a)
• judgment on those who do not know God and do not obey… (8b-9) (Isa. 66: 15-16)
• contrast: Christ glorified in and marveled at by His saints (10)
• dramatic reversal
3. Cooperate with God’s Qualifying and Completing Sustenance 11-12
• intercessory prayer (11a)
• considered worthy: perseverance and purity (11b)
• completed in every resolve (11c)
• goal: reciprocal glorification rooted in grace (12)
• summary of contrast
4. So What?
• Actively acknowledge God’s activity.
• “By perseverance, the snail reached the ark.” (Spurgeon)
• Anticipate the great “reversal.”
• “Judge not the Lord by feeble sense, but trust Him for His grace; Behind a frowning providence, He hides a smiling face…” (W. Cowper)