Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for November 18, 2018

Thanksgiving Message

“A Psalm for Thanksgiving 2018”   Psalm 145:1-21   Bible Study   11/18/18

I. Introduction

• psalm of David
• acrostic: successive letters of the Hebrew alphabet
• a praise pile-up
• who God is and what God does

II. Intention to Praise 1-7

• activity
• intimacy
• frequency
• continuity
• intensity

III. Ascriptions of Praise 8-20

• gracious and merciful
• good to all
• faithful and kind
• upholds and raises up
• righteous
• near
• preserves

IV. Extent of Praise 21

• all
• forever
• Rev. 5:11-14

V. So What?

• “Through all eternity to Thee, a joyful song I’ll raise; but oh, eternity is too short to utter all Thy praise!” (Adam Clarke)
• This Thanksgiving: Because of His unsearchable and unspeakable greatness, seize the privilege of praising God for who He is and what He does.

Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for November 11, 2018

“Taking Your Tongue Seriously”   James 3:1-12   Bible Study   11/11/18

The movable muscular structure attached to the floor of our mouths is a mighty little member of our bodies. God’s Word calls us to take seriously the stewardship of our speech. In light of the dramatic power and potential of the tongue, steward your speech to the glory of God.

I. Introduction (1-2)

1. The tongue telegraphs the condition of the heart.
2. Don’t “swell the ranks” of teachers as they will incur a stricter judgment.
3. An absolute prohibition from Ephesians 4:29

II. The tongue exercises a disproportionate influence (3-5)

1. A horse’s bit
2. A ship’s rudder
3. A fire’s spark
4. A small object can dictate a destination.

III. The tongue possesses a devastating potential (6-8)

1. Cosmic evil
2. Comprehensive corruption
3. Connection to hell
4. Uncontrolled poison

IV. The tongue reveals a disturbing inconsistency (9-12)

1. We bless and we curse.
2. The tongue may delight or destroy.
3. Aim for consistency.
4. Satan does his biggest business with those who have no business.

V. Beauty care for the tongue

1. Admit to verbal arson.
2. Ask for heavenly insight.
3. Insight from Psalm 141:3
4. Experience the Lord’s healing

Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for November 4, 2018

“A Faith That Works”   James 2:14-26   Bible Study   11/04/18  

I. Introduction

1. Theme of this passage:
2. Why is this passage so crucial?
3. Is there really conflict between the teaching of James and Paul?

II. Profession (14-17)

1. The principle of verse 14:
2. What type of “faith” is addressed here?
3. What truth is communicated in the illustration of verses 15-17?

III. Expression (18-19)

1. How does James employ the “shock” factor in these verses?
2. What two key elements are included in verse 19?
3. The awareness of demons:

IV. Possession (20-26)

1. What kind of faith is detailed in these verses?
2. The nature of saving faith:

V. So What?

1. Because saving faith produces works, avoid the deceptive mentality of mere profession.
2. Grasp the “root and fruit” principle.
3. “A religion that does not transform will not transport.” (Jack MacGorman)

Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for October 28, 2018

“The Word and You”   James 1:19-27   Bible Study   10/28/18

-connection to verse 18 and “…word of truth…”
-remember Eutychus in Acts 20
-Because God’s Word is the source and standard for Christian living, receive it attentively and respond to it obediently.

I. Receive the Word (19-21)

• a “triple duty” in verse 19
• a needed reminder in verse 20
• key command in verse 21: “Having…receive…”
• two descriptive terms in verse 21: “meekness” and “implanted”

II. Respond to the Word (22-27)

• hearing must be followed by obedience
• the “mirror” of the Word
• the “wrong” way in verses 23-24
• the “right” way in verse 25
• avoiding self-deception
• three important words: control, care and cleanliness
• insights from Psalm 119:9, 11, 36-37, 103

Class Luncheon 2018 (Mexican Style)

Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for October 21, 2018

Guest Speaker: Sherry Forester

“Sincere Christianity”
Romans 12:9-21

I. Sincere Christians are:

1) Considerate (v.10)
2) Committed (v.11)
3) Consistent (v.12)
4) Charitable (v.13)
5) Courteous (v.14)
6) Compassionate (v.15)
7) Compatible (v.16)
8) Conscientious (v.17)
9) Capitulatory (v.18)
10) Calm (v.19)
11) Caring (v.20)
12) Controlled (v.21)

Sincere Christianity is the language the deaf can hear and the blind can see.

Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for October 14, 2018

Guest Speaker: Dr. David Norman

Justified by Faith; Now What?
Galatians 6:1–10

This morning’s lesson looks at the sixth chapter of Galatians. Following Paul’s plea that the believers in Galatia return to the gospel of Jesus Christ and to cease their reliance on their own works for salvation, but instead rest in faith in Christ—following his teaching in chapter five where he discusses what it looks like to walk in the Spirit—Paul’s verbs shift from indicatives to imperatives. Now that he has covered the truth of the gospel, he wants to leave them with the manner in which they are to live in response to the gospel. And as he does, he turns to the manner in which they act among the believers.

I. Care for your brothers and sisters in Christ (v. 1–5)

• Who does Paul mean by “You who are spiritual?”
• Carry one another’s burdens
• Each person will have to carry his own load

II. Invest in your pastors and teachers (v. 6–8)

• The unwarranted paragraph division
• You give to what you value
• Michelin-rated chef or McDonalds?
• 1 Corinthians 9:14
• Hebrews 13:17
• Pastor appreciation month

III. Persevere in Prioritizing the Local Church (vv. 9–10)

• Relationally
• Weekly
• Prayerfully
• Financially
• Sacrificially

God has opened the way for you to be justified—by faith in his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, who was crucified, dead, and buried and was resurrected on the third day. And we who have believed on him have been given his Spirit, who teaches us to walk in a new way of life and who cultivates in us love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. And that same Spirit calls us to care for one another—binding up the broken-hearted, investing in the good of our pastors and teachers, and prioritizing the local assembly of believers; and all this with expectation that, at the proper time, our efforts and striving will not be in vain, but we will reap a harvest of blessings as the result.

Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for October 7, 2018

“In Step with the Spirit”   Galatians 5:13-26   Bible Study   10/07/18

This morning we will focus on the second of two key teaching units in Galatians 5. In 5:1-12, Paul urges his readers to stand firm in the freedom that comes only through faith in Jesus. In 5:13-26, he continues the freedom theme with an emphasis on staying “in step” with the Holy Spirit. When believers live in constant dependence on the Holy Spirit, they experience true freedom.

I. Context/Review of 5:1-12

• instruction: stand firm and avoid entanglement (1)
• admonition: heed the warning regarding circumcision (2-6)
• assessment: consider the apostolic perspective (7-12)

II. Serve one another through love (13-14)

• reminder of call to freedom
• proper stewardship of freedom
• keep on serving (Lev. 19:18)

III. Watch out for the consequence of destructive behavior (15)

• if you keep on biting and devouring…
• “cannibalizing” Christians

IV. Walk in the Spirit continually (16-25)

• command followed by a promise
• flesh/Spirit opposition
• Spirit/law contrast
• works of the flesh: sexual/religious/social realms (19-21a)
• practitioners have no inheritance… (21b)
• the nine-fold fruit of the Spirit (22-23)
• assertion: society needs no protection from the fruit of the Spirit
• crucified flesh/in step with the Spirit

V. Avoid conceit (26)

• boastful arrogance or dependent humility?

VI. So What?

• When believers live in constant dependence on the Holy Spirit, they experience true freedom.
• “No man walking in the Spirit ever ‘bites the dust.’” (J. MacGorman)
• “Spirit of the living God, fall fresh on me. Melt me, mold me, fill me, use me. Spirit of the living God, fall fresh on me.” (Daniel Iverson, 1926)

Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for September 30, 2018

“The Cross and Your Crisis”   Galatians 4:12-20   Bible Study   09/30/18

This morning we will turn our attention to the passage which comprises the very “heart” of Paul’s crisis letter to the churches of Galatia. Here, in full crisis mode and with profound pastoral concern, he addresses the ongoing distortion of truth by false teachers and its disruptive impact upon his readers. After appealing for a restoration of fellowship with them, Paul proceeds to expose the motivation of the false teachers and to articulate his own apostolic motivation. Through his appeal and actions, he models a timeless principle: Manage the crisis in your life by clinging to the message of the cross.

I. Live in the power of grace rather than the prison of legalism. (12a)

• confirmation of the status of readers: “brothers”
• command rooted in a response to the gospel
• legalism: the “smog” that pollutes the air of grace

II. Delight in the fact of the gospel rather than the falsehood of feel-good. (12b-16)

• appeal for restoration of fellowship
• formerly: did me no wrong, received me…
• presently: What happened?
• Tend the garden of your thoughts with the tool of biblical truth.

III. Pursue the formation of Christ rather than the favor of man. (17-20)

• indictment of false teachers
• no good purpose
• being made much of
• Paul’s intense concern
• Paul’s motivation: Christ “formed” in the Galatians

IV. So What?

• Manage the crisis in your life by clinging to the message of the cross.
• “Lee, keep the seminary lashed to the cross.” (B.H. Carroll to L.R. Scarborough, 1914)
• Schedule your life around the reality of the cross. “Jesus, keep me near the cross…”

Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for September 23, 2018

“No Turning Back”   Galatians 3:26-4:11   Bible Study   09/23/18

This morning we will focus on the rich content of Galatians 3:26-4:11. After affirming the foundational fact that believers are all “one in Christ Jesus,” Paul proceeds to remind his readers of the accomplishment of Christ at the cross which secures their sonship and the activity of the Spirit who is sent by God into their hearts to assure it. With such status and riches at their disposal, readers then and now must understand that there can be “no turning back.” Because your identification with Jesus makes you a son, rest in His sufficiency and press on by faith.

I. Summary of 3:15-25

• confirmation of the priority of promise over law (15-18)
• clarification of the role of law (19-25)

II. The application of the gospel supplies equality of sonship (26-29)

• no longer under a “guardian”
• note the pronoun shift from verse 25 to verse 26
• sons of God through faith
• language of baptism
• one in Christ: ethnic/social/sexual
• Abraham’s offspring

III. The accomplishment of Jesus secures our sonship (1-5)

• administration of the law
• Christ sent in the “fullness” of time
• …to redeem…that we might receive adoption…

IV. The activity of the Spirit assures our sonship (6-11)

• Abba! Father! : intimacy
• note the Trinitarian “symmetry”
• sons and heirs
• formerly…now…how? (note Gal. 5:10)

V. So What?

• Because your identification with Jesus makes you a son, rest in His sufficiency and press on in faith.
• Remember that the ground is level at the foot of the cross.
• “No turning back” is an appropriate admonition for every stage of Christian experience.
• Relish your status as a son and heir.
• “I once was an outcast stranger on earth, a sinner by choice, an alien by birth, but I’ve been adopted, my name’s written down, an heir to a mansion, a robe and a crown. I’m a child of the King, a child of the King: with Jesus my Savior, I’m a child of the King.” (H. Buell, 1877)

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