Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for February 20, 2022
Handwriting on the Walls of Today
Daniel 5:1-31
1. Overview
• 30 year gap between Daniel 4 and 5
• Nebuchadnezzar is dead and the new king is Belshazzar (“Bel, protect the king!”)
2. Belshazzar Throws a Party 1-4
• lavish feast
• narrator’s intent
• a profane case of idolatry (Rom. 1:18-21)
3. A Hand Suddenly Appears 5-12
• revelation that interrupts the revelry and Belshazzar’s response
• incompetent wise men
• counsel from the queen mother
4. Daniel Is Brought to the King 13-24
• insecurity exposed
• absence of deferential politeness
• a bit of context and a charge from Daniel
5. Interpretation of the Dream 25-31
• mene…tekel…peres
• the promised reward received
• Belshazzar’s demise “that very night…”
6. So What?
• Because its outcome is both certain and devastating, flee the dishonor of idolatry and focus on delight in God.
• Connection to Christ: The only feast for which there is a future is the one where Christ is host. (Matt. 22:11-13, Rev. 19:6-10)
• “What we revere we resemble either for our ruin or restoration.” (G. Beale)
• Remain awed by God’s majesty and mercy. (“Depth of Mercy” by C. Wesley)
Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for February 13, 2022
Guest Speaker: Sean Beach
Associate Minister of Education at First Baptist
Evangelism Training
John 3:16
Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for February 6, 2022
Who’s in Charge Here?
Daniel 4:1-36
1. Intention 1-3
• design of the story: 17/25/32 (1Pet. 5:5)
• a royal flashback
• testimony of God’s work: a dramatic transformation
2. Dysfunction 4-9
• alarming dreams
• magnificent incompetence
• enter Daniel
3. Revelation 10-18
• massive tree
• chopped down with stump remaining
• beast’s mind and stated purpose (Rom. 1:21-25)
4. Interpretation 19-27
• dismay and compassion of Daniel
• the tree: Nebuchadnezzar
• purpose of judgment and application: avoid/embrace
5. Humiliation 28-33
• misinterpretation of mercy
• message from heaven
• immediate fulfillment
6. Restoration 34-36
• from pride to praise
• repetition and recognition
• the humble exalted
• implications for Israel (Isa. 6:13) and connection to Christ (Phil. 2: 5-11, 1 Pet. 2:24)
7. So What?
• Because God is absolutely in charge, constantly confess your utter dependence on Him.
• “bigness,” gospel humility, and the unlikely convert (“Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken” by H. Lyte)
Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for January 30, 2022
This God!
Daniel 3:8-30
1. Orientation for the Fiery Furnace Account 1-7
• preceded by Nebuchadnezzar’s dream/interpretation in Daniel 2
• image raised (1), worship commanded (4) and consequence of non-compliance (6) (Jer. 29:22)
2. Accusation against the Three Men 8-12
• malicious Chaldean charge
• repetition of command and consequence and report of non-compliance
3. Interrogation by Nebuchadnezzar 13-15
• furious rage and summons: verification sought and opportunity for compliance given
• assumption of deity inability
4. Verification of Non-Compliance 16-18
• when words are unnecessary (Ex. 20:4-5)
• condition and capacity…but if not… (Isa. 43:2, Matt. 26:39)
5. Persecution in a Fiery Furnace 19-23
• fury and face-change: heat turned up and men thrown in the furnace
• death of Nebuchadnezzar’s mighty men
6. Preservation through the Trial 24-27
• astonishment at a fourth unbound man: walking…and not hurt
• out of the fire with no singe, stain or smell
7. Exaltation of the God Who Delivers 28-30
• blessing the God who delivers
• decree issued and the men promoted
8. So What?
• connection to Christ: Matt. 16:25, Col. 1:13-14, Heb. 2:14-15, 1 Pet. 4:12
• Because God is able to deliver His people in every circumstance, obey Him despite the consequences.
• “Fidelity to God before fraternity with men…” (Spurgeon)
• “When through fiery trials thy pathway shall lie, My grace, all sufficient, shall be thy supply…” (Keene)
Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for January 23, 2022
Captured but Not Carried Away
Daniel 1:1-21
1. Orientation to Daniel 1-7
• context of judgment/exile (1-3): Nebuchadnezzar, the Lord “gave” (Lev. 26, Isa. 39)
• deportation of “unblemished” youths (4): relocation
• rationing, re-educating and renaming (5-7)
• focus on Daniel yet greater focus on the God of Daniel
• parallels with the present (Heb. 11:13, 1 Pet. 2:11)
2. Resolution of Daniel 8-16
• resolve to avoid defilement of prescribed diet and its motivation (8)
• chief’s rejection of request (9-10): note “God gave…favor”
• steward’s acceptance of proposal (11-14)
• supernatural result (15-16)
3. Elevation of Daniel 17-21
• endowment with exceptional skills (17): note “God gave…”
• graduation elevation (18-20)
• preservation of a dependent life (21)
• connection to Christ: Luke 4:4, Phil. 2:5-11, 3:20
4. So What?
• While in “captivity,” nothing is more important than knowing the God in control of your past, present and future.
• “God suffers no man to be a loser by faithfulness, and more than makes up all that is surrendered for His sake.” (Maclaren)
• Treasure the truth of an unchanging, unlimited God. (Knowing God, J. I. Packer)
• “You are almighty, You are great and majestic, You are strong, invincible, And there’s no one like You…” (“Eres Todopoderoso,” D. Montero)
Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for January 16, 2022
Introduction to Daniel
From Chaos to Christ
Psalms 2:1-12
1. The World’s Hostility (1-3)
• futile plotting and perceived bondage
• “God’s plan made a hopeful beginning
But man spoiled his chances by sinning
We trust that the story
Will end in God’s glory
But at present the other side’s winning. ” (J. Boice)
2. The Lord’s Laughter (4-6)
• unmoved
• installation
• “To be intimidated by the world is as spiritually fatal as being overly attracted to it.” (T. Keller)
3. The Rightful King (7-9)
• extent of reign
• expression of reign
4. The Required Response (So What?) (10-12)
• serve
• submit
• “There is no refuge from Him-only in Him.” (D. Kidner)
• Because of God’s installation and exaltation of His Son as ultimate Ruler, submit to Christ now.
• “O Worship the King” (Grant) and “This Is My Father’s World” (Babcock)
Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for January 9, 2022
Introduction to Daniel
Can These Bones Live?
Ezekiel 37:1-14
1. Background
• Ezekiel: “God strengthens” in a context of judgment and exile
2. Sobering Inspection 1-2
• hand and Spirit of the LORD
• prophetic vision of a valley full of dry bones drawing from an exilic “proverb” (37:11)
3. Sovereign Interrogation 3
• the LORD’S question and Ezekiel’s response
4. Supernatural Intervention 4-10
• command: preach over the bones
♦ content, confirmation and consequence
• command: preach to the breath
♦ content and consequence
5. Specific Identification 11-14
• bones: whole house of Israel
• command: preach to Israel
♦ content and confirmation
• NT/Christ connections: Jn. 11:25-26, 20:22; 1 Cor. 15:50-58
6. So What?
• Solely because of His sovereign and gracious intervention, trust the LORD to give life to the dead through His Word and Spirit.
• “Faith has the prerogative of seeing possibilities of life in what looks to sense hopeless death.” (Maclaren)
• “If we want revivals, we must revive our reverence for the Word of God.” (Spurgeon)
• “Mercy Walked In” (Mote) and “Breathe on Me” (McKinney)
Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for January 2, 2022
New Year Message
A Word of Warning for a New Year
Ezekiel 28:11-26
1. Overview of Ezekiel
• word and hand of the LORD (1:1-3), “Son of Man”
• with Daniel in days of Babylonian exile
• themes of retribution and restoration
• background on Tyre and Sidon
2. Funeral Lament for a Proud King 11-23
• picture of exalted position corresponding to self-deification
• flagged for excessive self-celebration (Prov. 3:34)
• connection to the Fall/garden (Gen. 3)
• specific denunciation and certain doom
• prophetic perfect: as good as done
• accompanying prophecy against Sidon
• repetition of “…they will know that I am the LORD”
3. Forecast of Future Restoration 24-26
• another repetition of “…they will know that I am the LORD”
• security for the scattered and scorned
• manifestation of holiness
• NT/Christ connections: Luke 19:10, Heb. 13:20-21, James 4:6. 1 Pet. 5:5
4. So What?
• In light of the LORD’S power and provision, resolve to pursue a posture of biblical humility.
• “Every departure from God’s path is a pitting of one’s will, and a backing of one’s judgment, against His; but the contempt which it spells is too irrational to acknowledge.” (D. Kidner on Prov. 14:2)
• “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross” (Watts)
Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for December 26, 2021
Christmas Series
Worship with the Wise Men
Matthew 2:1-23
1. The Wise Men Arrive: Interrogation 1-2
• primary focus on Messiah and not the Magi or a madman
• not just the where, but the who
2. Herod’s Response: Consternation 3
• hostility of Herod and distress of Jerusalem
3. An Ancient Prophecy: Verification 4-8
• inquiry and the apparent indifference of religious leaders
• testimony and fulfillment of Micah 5:2 and a deceptive dispatch
4. A Case of Sovereign Grace: Orchestration 9
• leveraging creation to point the Magi to Messiah (Isa. 60:1-3)
5. A Model of Meaningful Worship: Prostration 10-12
• joy, humility, generosity, obedience
• gifts that focus and foreshadow and a warning in a dream
6. A Matter of Prophetic Fulfillment: Validation 13-23
• flight (13-15 , Hos. 11:1), children killed (16-18, Jer. 31:15), Nazareth (19-23)
7. So What?
• In light of God’s objective in and orchestration of the first Christmas, commit yourself to wondering worship.
• “The New Testament knows nothing of an incarnation that can be defined apart from its relationship to atonement.” (J. Denney)
• from “came and saw” to “go and tell” (Matt. 28:16-20)
• “O Worship the King…” (Grant)