Dr. Bingham’s Lesson for April 29, 2012

Series in Mark

“Let not your Hearts be Troubled” – John 14:1-16:7

“Something is Missing from our World — continued” – Mark 14:1-9

John 14:1-3
The stark reality pervading much of the New Testament is the physical absence of Jesus.

“Let not your heart be troubled” is a preparatory statement to all that Jesus will subsequently say.

The first reason that we should not be troubled is that Jesus has left to prepare a place for us to spend eternity.

The second reason is that we have His promise to return.

John 14:12
The third reason we shouldn’t be troubled in His absence is that we, particularly the apostles, will be doing greater things than what Jesus has been doing.

John 16:5
A quick look around at the world should be enough for you to grieve that Jesus is not here with us.

In John, Jesus is giving us reasons why our sorrow and grief should be mitigated.

John 14:15-16
Jesus recognizes that while He was with the disciples His presence and guidance was a comfort to His followers; He was available to answer all their questions. But in going away, Jesus is sending another in His place to be a comforter to us, and in particular, the apostles. The Greek word used to describe the Comforter is paraclete, which means more than comforter; it carries also the idea of one called along side, a counselor, and an advocate. He is called the Spirit of Truth, God the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is identical to Jesus in nature and in what He can do, though not identical as to person.

In the Old Testament, the Holy Spirit was not present with anyone permanently. We find David in Psalm 51:11, after his great sin of adultery, pleading with God not to take from him the Holy Spirit. But He is with us forever, to comfort and advise.

John 14:25-26
Let not your hearts be troubled. We have the writings of the New Testament because Jesus left and the Holy Spirit came.

John 14:17
The Holy Spirit will minister internally. That part that we cannot touch or do anything about is where He will minister.

John 14:18
The first way Jesus will come to you is at the end of the age when He returns.
The second way Jesus will come to you is by the Holy Spirit, so that when He comes He will be conveying the presence of Jesus Christ to you.

John 15:26-27
The Holy Spirit empowers us to be witnesses of Jesus.

John 16:6-7
It is for our good that Jesus went away. The Holy Spirit had to come within us so He could have a ministry to the world. We worship a trinitarian God. We are not just Jesus-worshipers. As Christians, we are also worshipers of the third person of the Trinity.


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