Dr. Bingham’s Lesson for April 8, 2012

Easter Message

“What is the Composition of your Spiritual Parachute?” – Romans 1:18-32

Romans 1:18-20
Creation screams out God’s divine nature and His eternal power. God should never be confused with His creation.
But man suppressed this reality.

Romans 1:21-23
What you think about God determines every other dimension of your existence.
Suppression eventually progresses to exchange.
If you muffle anything the Bible is telling you about God, you will eventually believe something about God that is false.

Romans 1:24-25
Whatever you think about God trickles down into your worship. The most important thought you can have is what you think about God.

Romans 1:26-27
Whatever you think about God also trickles down into your behavior; so that a false belief about God results in natural relationships exchanged for the unnatural.

Romans 1:28-32
Every other imaginable wickedness also follows.
What you think about God will either purify you or corrupt you.

Romans 4:4-8
If you believe that God is a God who gives righteousness to those, who have no righteousness of their own, through His Son Jesus Christ, Paul wants you to know that all of your transgressions have been forgiven and you have been declared utterly, completely, and thoroughly righteous, not on the basis of your righteousness, for you have none of your own, but completely on the basis of the righteousness of Jesus Christ.

Romans 4:17-21
Know also that God is the God who raises the dead.


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