Dr. Bingham’s Lesson for July 10, 2011

Series in Mark

“What should set us apart” – Mark 2:23-28

“The best definition of holiness is that you are not the same flavor as everybody else.”

Exodus 31:13-15
To be recognized as belonging to the creator of the universe, the Israelites are to work for six days and rest on the seventh because this is what God did.

Isaiah 1:11-17
The Israelites’ observance of the law and the Sabbath became meaningless.
The Sabbath and the sacrifices were all about doing them the way God said to do them because this made them stand out distinctively as a follower of the Creator of heaven and earth. Start looking like God by acting like God.

Mark 2:23-28
The Pharisees are like the people of Isaiah’s day. They were not observing the Sabbath in the way it was intended. The Pharisees forgot the mercy behind the law.

Matthew 12:11-12
To stand out as a follower of Christ, exercise justice, compassion, and mercy; love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul and your neighbor as yourself.


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