Dr. Bingham’s Lesson for December 4, 2011
Series in Mark
“Jesus teaches how He will suffer, die, and rise from the dead” – Mark 8:27-10:45
Martyr is best translated as “witness.” In early Christianity, witness was born by living as Jesus lived and dying in faith in Christ. For Christians, bearing witness was fundamentally the way in which we live with each other and with the world.
To tell only about the miraculous healings only tells half the story.
With Mark 8, a new phase of the gospel account begins.
Peter’s understanding of the term, Son of Man, is that of a powerful, victorious leader.
But Jesus presented Himself as suffering and dying. Peter then rebuked Jesus and Jesus then strongly rebuked Peter.
We must deny ourselves and take up our cross and follow Jesus.
We are never more like Jesus than when we deny ourselves for each other.
Jesus is not only the King of Kings but the Man of sorrows.
Mark 9:30-35
Again, Jesus says that He will be betrayed and killed and will rise from the dead.
If anyone wants to be first, he must be the very last and the servant of all.
Mark 10:32-34
Again Jesus tries to correct the disciples incorrect view of Him.
Mark 10:35-45
To be known as a disciple of Christ is to be servant of all.