Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for April 24, 2022

Stay Ready!

1 Thessalonians 5:1-11

1. Introduction

• comparison/contrast of 4:13-18 (coming of the Lord/day of the Lord)
• a common conclusion to note
• Because Scripture certifies the certain return of Christ, stay ready in light of the destruction and deliverance it will bring.

2. Revisiting the Manner of Christ’s Return 1-3

• full awareness of readers and the implication of imminence
• like a thief in the night (Matt. 24:43, Luke 12:39)
• what people might say (Jer. 6:14)
• metaphor of suddenness

3. Reminding Readers of Their Identity 4-5

• children of light/day
• contrast between light/darkness and day/night

4. Reinforcing the Need for Readiness 6-8

• commands: let us not sleep, let us keep awake, let us be sober
• observation of human behavior
• since we belong to the day… (Isa. 59:17)

5. Recognizing the Presence of Motivation 9-10

• diametrically opposed destinies of two groups
• hope of deliverance rooted in Christ’s death

6. Receiving Two Concluding Commands 11

• encourage and edify

7. So What?

• Reflect regularly on the imminence of Christ’s return
• Resolve to be found faithful-and ready!
• “One Day” (J. Wilbur Chapman)


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