Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for January 30, 2022

This God!

Daniel 3:8-30

1. Orientation for the Fiery Furnace Account 1-7

• preceded by Nebuchadnezzar’s dream/interpretation in Daniel 2
• image raised (1), worship commanded (4) and consequence of non-compliance (6) (Jer. 29:22)

2. Accusation against the Three Men 8-12

• malicious Chaldean charge
• repetition of command and consequence and report of non-compliance

3. Interrogation by Nebuchadnezzar 13-15

• furious rage and summons: verification sought and opportunity for compliance given
• assumption of deity inability

4. Verification of Non-Compliance 16-18

• when words are unnecessary (Ex. 20:4-5)
• condition and capacity…but if not… (Isa. 43:2, Matt. 26:39)

5. Persecution in a Fiery Furnace 19-23

• fury and face-change: heat turned up and men thrown in the furnace
• death of Nebuchadnezzar’s mighty men

6. Preservation through the Trial 24-27

• astonishment at a fourth unbound man: walking…and not hurt
• out of the fire with no singe, stain or smell

7. Exaltation of the God Who Delivers 28-30

• blessing the God who delivers
• decree issued and the men promoted

8. So What?

• connection to Christ: Matt. 16:25, Col. 1:13-14, Heb. 2:14-15, 1 Pet. 4:12
• Because God is able to deliver His people in every circumstance, obey Him despite the consequences.
• “Fidelity to God before fraternity with men…” (Spurgeon)
• “When through fiery trials thy pathway shall lie, My grace, all sufficient, shall be thy supply…” (Keene)


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