Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for January 2, 2022

New Year Message

A Word of Warning for a New Year

Ezekiel 28:11-26

1. Overview of Ezekiel

• word and hand of the LORD (1:1-3), “Son of Man”
• with Daniel in days of Babylonian exile
• themes of retribution and restoration
• background on Tyre and Sidon

2. Funeral Lament for a Proud King 11-23

• picture of exalted position corresponding to self-deification
• flagged for excessive self-celebration (Prov. 3:34)
• connection to the Fall/garden (Gen. 3)
• specific denunciation and certain doom
• prophetic perfect: as good as done
• accompanying prophecy against Sidon
• repetition of “…they will know that I am the LORD”

3. Forecast of Future Restoration 24-26

• another repetition of “…they will know that I am the LORD”
• security for the scattered and scorned
• manifestation of holiness
• NT/Christ connections: Luke 19:10, Heb. 13:20-21, James 4:6. 1 Pet. 5:5

4. So What?

• In light of the LORD’S power and provision, resolve to pursue a posture of biblical humility.
• “Every departure from God’s path is a pitting of one’s will, and a backing of one’s judgment, against His; but the contempt which it spells is too irrational to acknowledge.” (D. Kidner on Prov. 14:2)
• “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross” (Watts)


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