Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for November 21, 2021

Thanksgiving Message

A Psalm for Thanksgiving: Wise Men Still Praise Him

Psalms 111

Background Information

-acrostic psalm: thematic over structural
-written with a view to remembrance: who the LORD is and what He does

1. Praise (1)

• declaration of intent: passionate and public

2. Projection (2-3)

• magnification of His creating and sustaining work
• reflection of enduring righteousness
• application: delight leads to study

3. Provision (4-6)

• written in a book!
• echo of the exodus (Ex. 34:6)
• mindful provision of food and possession

4. Precepts (7-8)

• consistency between His works and His word
• no “fickle despot”

5. Purchase (9)

• purchase for the purpose of liberation
• commanded covenant proceeding from incomparable character

6. Principle (10)

• motto of the wisdom writers
• reverence and recognition: the pondering and praising of the wise

7. Perpetuity (10)

• magnifying His transcendence and immanence (Rev. 4:8)
• connection to Christ

8. So What?

• Because the LORD is the source and summit of every good thing, praise Him now and forever.
• Recognize…Repent…Resolve… Then, “ponder anew…”


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