Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for August 22, 2021

The Righteousness of Another

Ecclesiastes 7:16-29


-Satisfaction doesn’t come from within man. (1:1-2:26)
-God is sovereign. Objections are refuted. (3:1-5:20)
-Only God gives satisfaction/enjoyment in the midst of vanity. (6:1-8:15)
– Properly perceive external circumstances (6:1-7:15) and properly perceive humanity (7:16-29)

1. Apply the antidote of the fear of God. (16-22)

• our tendency to superficially assess circumstances and people
• the overly righteous/wise
• the overly wicked/foolish
• the survival of the “fearing”
• the strength of wisdom
• “…The God-given ability to see life objectively and to handle life with stability.” (Swindoll)
• the truth about all people
• cutting fellow-sinners some slack

2. Understand that the problem isn’t with God but with us. (23-29)

• acknowledgment of human inability
• under the sun discernment of danger (Proverbs 23:27-28)
• the scarcity of integrity
• the ongoing defiance of humanity
• the only remedy: the righteousness of Another (1 Corinthians 1:30-31)

3. So What?

• Knowing that all situations and all humans are not as they may appear, avoid surface evaluations and rely on the righteousness of Christ.
• “…This is all my righteousness: nothing but the blood of Jesus…” (Lowry)


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