Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for November 8, 2020

A Greater Deliverance

Isaiah 49:1-13

1. Background

• the identity of the “Servant”: the corporate/individual tension
• the Moses/Christ connection (Deut. 18:15, Ex. 32:7-10)
• “second” Exodus language

2. The Servant’s Declarative Description 1-3

• command to listen (Mark 9:7)
• prepared and named (Gen. 35:10)
• summoned to show “splendor”

3. The Servant’s Focused Fortification 4-6

• antidote for despondency
• resting in the wisdom and power of God
• extension from Israel to the nations
• the deliverance/salvation the world needs

4. The Servant’s Certain Success 7-13

• despised yet exalted (Isa. 52:13-53:12)
• promise of a “second” Exodus
• provision and protection along the way
• comprehensive joy

5. So what?

• Knowing that the Lord comprehensively and compassionately delivers His people through Christ, set your sight on Him when nothing seems to make sense.
• “Despondency arises through listening to ourselves and our self-assessment instead of looking to God and recalling His purposes.” (Motyer)
• Keep looking to Christ, The sure and steady Anchor. (Heb. 6:19-20)


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