Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for October 25, 2020

Unwearied Help for the Weary

Isaiah 40:27-31

1. Background

• impending Babylonian Captivity (Isa. 39:6)
• worse before it gets better
• comfort, word and greatness of God (40:1-26)

2. A Questioning Despondency (27)

• God’s knowledge
• God’s care
• legal case of pessimistic pilgrims

3. A Theological Reminder (28-29)

• formula repetition
• everlasting
• unwearied
• unfathomable

4. An Experiential Challenge (30-31)

• patient expectancy
• sovereign enablement
• as if people grow wings

5. So What?

• Proper thinking about God enables proper waiting on God.
• “…Understand that love, revealed on the cross, does not exclude but must always include suffering.” (Elliot)
• “Your thoughts of God are too human.” (Luther to Erasmus)
• NT connection: Matt. 11:28-30
• “He bids weary travelers rest in His house.” (Thomas)


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