Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for April 19, 2020

What Then…?

Romans 8:31-39

1. Catch the connecting question (31a)

• the indicative: who you are 8:1-11
• the imperative: how you should live 8:12-17
• the perspective: consolation, comfort and confirmation 8:18-30
• a critical qualification 8:28
• main idea: Because nothing can sever you from God’s all-conquering love in Christ, claim Him as your security and satisfaction in every circumstance.

2. Consider the catalog of questions and answers (31b-36)

• answering the opposition question with a question: an unspared Son 31b-32
• the accusation question: the God who justifies 33
• the condemnation question: the God who raises and the Christ who intercedes at His right hand 34
• “Nothing serves to verify the intimacy and constancy of the Redeemer’s preoccupation with the security of His people, nothing assures us of His unchanging love more than the tenderness which His heavenly priesthood bespeaks and particularly as it comes to expression in intercession for us.” (Murray)
• the separation question: earthly challenges and Psa. 44:22 35-36

3. Claim the settled conviction (37-39)

• a final answer: hyper-conquerors in these things
• inclusive of the entire realm of existence

4. So what?

• goal of this text: “…to make you unshakeably secure for the sake of suffering in the Christ-exalting path of obedience.” It is “a God-wrought, blood-bought security.” (Piper)
• “When all around my soul gives way, He then is all my hope and stay…” (Mote)
• “Those He saves are His delight, Christ will hold me fast; Precious in His holy sight, He will hold me fast. He’ll not let my soul be lost; His promises shall last; Bought by Him at such a cost, He will hold me fast.” (A. Habershon)


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