Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for August 25, 2019
“Soul Surgery” Titus 3:3-7 Bible Study 08/25/19
-With powerful theological precision, Paul communicates the doctrinal basis of good works by magnifying the transforming triumph of grace.
–The Lord’s methodology in saving you should be your motivational foundation for serving Him.
I. Reflect on the past with purpose
• don’t resent/do remember
• seven marks: foolish, disobedient, deceived, enslaved, malice, envy, hateful
II. Reflect on the present with gratitude
• but…
• seven marks in one sentence: kindness, love for man, save, regeneration, renewal, justified, heirs
III. So What?
• “The Bible’s message, however, is that the gospel is just as necessary for the Christian as for the unbeliever. We are to base the ‘duty’ of discipleship on the gospel, resulting in the practice of a Christ-based acceptance with God and a Spirit-energized approach to the pursuit of holiness. The so-called duty of discipleship then becomes a joy and a delight even though it requires vigorous effort. So learn to ‘preach the gospel to yourself’ every day, and in the joy and strength of knowing your sins are forgiven and sin’s dominion is broken, press on to become holy as He is holy.” (Jerry Bridges)