Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for July 14, 2019

“Marching Orders”   2 Timothy 1:1-14   Bible Study   07/14/19

Because of the matchless worth of the Gospel, stand firm in it and steward it faithfully.

I. Introduction

• date/place: 66-67 from Rome
• author: Paul in his second imprisonment and near the end of his life
• recipient: Timothy the young pastor in Ephesus
• overview: hold on to it (1), teach it (2), abide in it (3) and preach it (4)

II. Paul’s opening remarks 1:1-5

• identification
• greeting
• affection
• affirmation

III. Fan the flame 1:6

• gift of God
• laying on of hands

IV. Remember your resource 1:7

• given by God
• not fear
• power, love and self-control

V. Embrace suffering for the sake of the Gospel 1:8-12a

• therefore…
• don’t be ashamed
• saved and called…
• death abolished and life brought…

VI. Rely on God’s faithfulness 1:12b

• Paul’s settled conviction
• supernatural security

VII. Guard the deposit 1:13-14

• follow “healthy” words
• Spirit-driven stewardship

VIII. So What?

• Assess your source of security
• Evaluate the stewardship of your gift
• Adjust your perspective on suffering
• Treasure the truth


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